Student: John Kotos, MIS 141-300, Summer 2015

Typical Clutch of Eggs
Typical Clutch of Eggs


Here We Go Again

Baby at Two Weeks
Baby at Two Weeks

Raising Baby

Baby Playing

My Female Cockatiels

     As of the second week of July 2015, Baby started laying eggs.  This means that I have four female Cockatiels of which three are egg-layers.  Spice is an older bird and she doesn't lay eggs.  Cockatiels generally lay two to eight eggs in a single clutch at the rate of one every other day.  All of my birds started out with five, then the subsequent clutches went to four.  I expect Baby to do the same as her mother and sister.  They will tend to the eggs for about four weeks  .If the eggs are fertile, the gestation period is about nineteen days to twenty days.  The birds guard their eggs with extreme vigor.  You can see that in the picture on the "Caution" page of Baby guarding her eggs.  She will bite if I get to close.  Carly will bite also.  Sugar just nibbles at my fingers a little bit.  This may be because I've had her so long and helped her with Carly and Baby.  They will abandon the eggs after the four weeks.  About a week later, they will lay eggs again and the process repeats.  I make sure they get more than enough Calcium in their diets, because laying eggs depletes the Calcium in their bodies quite a bit.

Baby at Two and One-Half Weeks
Baby at Two and One-Half Weeks
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Baby at One Month
Baby at One Month